In our hyper-connected society, we are constantly plugged into the digital world which seems to be expanding its reach daily. You could be binge-watching TV shows on Netflix, scrolling through Instagram or participating in TikTok’s endless trends, leaving you more focused on your phone than the world around you. As college students with mounting levels of stress, mindlessly scrolling may keep our minds off our assignments for a bit. However, people have begun following a move towards digital detoxing which provides a mindful practice of unplugging from screens to recharge ourselves.
Digital detoxing sounds like another wellness fad, but it is not just a buzzword. Unplugging provides a much-needed reset for people. According to the American Psychological Association, constant digital connectivity can cause anxiety, sleep disruption, decreased levels of focus and increased levels of stress.
One of the issues with social media is it leads people to compare themselves to others. Taking time away from screens allows space to rediscover who you are without social media, reconnecting yourself to things you value, and gain fresh perspectives on the real world. These intentional breaks can be challenging, but it’s vital to remember that the world will continue to move forward even if you aren’t posting and checking social media.
When unplugging, you could find yourself with a boost in creativity. In order to create, people need a place with undistracted thoughts. With our phones glued to our bodies, it’s hard to find a time and place where distractions are impossible. Digital detoxing provides a space to brainstorm and experiment.
Unplugging also gives your eyes and mind time to rest. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, looking at screens can negatively impact your physical well-being leading to headaches, eye strain and sleep issues from blue light exposure. It also contributes to mental fatigue overwhelming your brain. Cleveland Clinic gives many positives to digital detoxing including sharper focus, less stress, better social interactions and improved mental health by lowering anxiety levels. Since social media curates a highlight reel of people’s lives, feelings of insecurity, jealousy and inadequacy can pop up. By removing these triggers people can return to a self-assured version of themselves.
Digital detoxing reconnects you with real life. When detoxing from phones, there is time and energy that can be spent hanging out with loved ones, exploring new places or trying new hobbies. Authentic experiences and relationships can be fostered through unplugging from the digital world.
When you hear ‘digital detox,’ you may assume it means absolutely no screens for an extended period of time, but the best step to take is starting small and creating boundaries with yourself.
The Newport Institute provides advice on how to begin the steps to create a productive digital detox. A good way to begin is setting a screen time limit, and reducing it in smaller increments. Try to cut an extra hour off your social media scrolling, stay off your phone past 9 p.m. or don’t allow yourself to go on your phone for the first thirty minutes after you wake up. Another good idea is to designate areas in your home that are tech-free areas such as your bed or at the dinner table.
Ensuring you have productive and mindful time away from your phone involves exploring hobbies that engage with your body and mind. You can sketch, read, cook, do yoga or spend time outside. Consider trying hobbies out that you’ve never had the time to before.
Digital detoxing doesn’t only mean taking time away from screens, but also carefully choosing the content you consume. Unfollow accounts that breed negative emotions in you, and unsubscribe from emails cluttering your inbox. By curating a mindful digital environment you can focus on consuming content that uplifts you instead of mindlessly scrolling.
If you want to start unplugging in a big way, try a full digital detox day– no screens for 24 hours. Use this time to reconnect with the real world and truly recharge without any distractions.
The goal of unplugging is not a rejection of technology but allowing intentional breaks to help you gain clarity, creativity and provide balance in your life.
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